Robert E Drost

Specialist, Department of Earth & Environmental Sciences
Specialist, Integrative Studies in General Science
Location: 117 N Kedzie Hall
Profile photo of  Robert E Drost
Photo of: Robert E Drost


My research interests focus on natural hazard mitigation and science communication. Initially I focused primarily on tornado related events, and investigated how warning communication elements and delivery influenced individual decision making during severe events. More broadly, I am interested in the role of science communication and forecasting of hazard information as it relates to public understanding and accountability. I am particularly interested in the potential for broadcast meteorologists to serve as the “science” contact point for public communication and education relating to hazard and climate change issues. My current focus is teaching and I am concentrating on developing state of the art inquiry based/active learning online courses based on analytical thinking and science communication.


  • GLG 304: Phys & Biol History of Earth
  • ISB 200: History of Life
  • ISP 203B: Natural Hazards & Environment