Julia Ganz

Associate Professor, Integrative Biology
Faculty, Neuroscience Program
Faculty, Genetics & Genome Sciences Program
Assistant Professor, BioMolecular Science Gateway
Location: 203 Natural Science Bldg
Profile photo of  Julia Ganz
Photo of: Julia Ganz


The goal of our research is to understand how stem cells generate a diverse and complex nervous system using zebrafish as a model system. My laboratory addresses this question focusing on the largest part of the peripheral nervous system – the enteric nervous system (ENS). Our research aims to answer the fundamental question of how generation of ENS cell lineages is regulated during normal development, in situations that model human disease, and under regenerating conditions. We will not only uncover cellular, genetic, and molecular mechanisms underlying cell fate determination, but also contribute to developing therapeutic approaches using stem cells to repair ENS diseases.


  • NEU 499: Senior Research Thesis