Heather L Eisthen

Professor, Integrative Biology
Faculty Excellence Advocate, Dean’s Office
Faculty, Neuroscience Program
Professor, Ecology, Evolution & Behavior Program
Pronouns: she/her
Location: 342 Natural Science Bldg
Profile photo of  Heather L Eisthen
Photo of: Heather L Eisthen


I am the faculty advocate for the College of Natural Science. I am available for confidential conversations and advice (with the caveat that I am a mandatory reporter) with tenure-system faculty members. I am also particularly interested in changing policies and procedures that have unintended negative effects on faculty members. More details about the role of the faculty advocate can be found here: https://natsci.msu.edu/faculty-staff/faculty-excellence-advocate.aspx.

My research concerns the causes of evolutionary changes in the nervous system and the behavioral consequences of these changes. In particular, we study the production of chemical signals as well as their detection in salamanders, a topic that have taken us into the realm of chemical ecology. Recently, these studies have expanded into amphibian toxins and their consequences for nervous system function, along with studies of the symbiotic bacteria that produce these toxins. More details are available on our lab website, https://eisthenlab.com.

* [Google Scholar](https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=Q4Q46D4AAAAJ)


  • IBIO 405: Neural Basis of Anim Behavior