Douglas B Luckie

Professor, Department of Physiology
Professor, BioMolecular Science Gateway
Pronouns: he, his
Location: 34 E Holmes Hall
Profile photo of  Douglas B Luckie
Photo of: Douglas B Luckie


Cystic Fibrosis Research Lab  – Disease Research: 
Luckie serves as the principal investigator of the “CFRL" which employs undergraduates, graduate students, postdocs, and collaborating faculty who pursue cell biology and pathogen research. The research program has involved questions ranging from, the reason for pH changes that occur in cystic fibrosis, how to best diagnose CF with molecular assays, as well as the impact of "correctors" used in the treatment of the disease.

STEM Learning Lab – Education Research:
Luckie serves as the principal investigator of the “STEM Learning lab" which employs undergraduates, graduate students, postdocs, and collaborating faculty who pursue biology education research (Discipline-based Education Research). The research group examines how theoretically grounded experimental approaches in teaching can increase student learning in science courses.

Learning and Inclusion in Physiology Education (LIPhE) – DBER of DEI Research:
Luckie collaborates with investigators in the LIPhE Research Group on Equitable Practice and Pedagogy, Instructional Strategies and Learning and more.

Selected Publications

  • *D.B. Luckie, J.R. Aubry, A.M. Rivkin, B.J. Marengo, L.A. Foos and J.J. Maleszewski (2012) Less teaching, more learning: A 10-year study supports increases in inquiry alongside decreases in “coverage” yield steady gains in student learning of science. Advances in Physiology Education 36: 325–335. *Selected as “Editor’s Pick” of the American Physiology Society.
  • D.B. Luckie, Hoskinson, A.M., Griffin C.E., Hess A.L, Price, K.J., Tawa, A. & Thacker S.M. (2017). Integrating concepts in biology textbook increases learning: assessment triangulation using concept inventory, card sorting, and MCAT instruments, followed by longitudinal tracking. CBE-Life Science Education, (16)20, 1-10.
  • D.B. Luckie, Mancini, B.W., Abdullah, N., Kadouh, A.K., Ungkuldee, A.C.P. and Hare A.A. (2020) Undergraduate TAs can provide strong support for reformed practices to raise student learning. Advances in Physiology Education, 44: 32–38.
  • D.B. Luckie, Van Alst AJ, Massey MK, Flood RD, Shah AA, Malhotra V, Kozel BJ. (2014) Chemical rescue of ΔF508-CFTR in C127 epithelial cells reverses aberrant extracellular pH acidification to wildtype alkalization as monitored by microphysiometry. Biochem Biophys Res Commun., 451: 535-40.
  • M.K. Massey, Reiterman M.J., Mourad J. and Luckie D.B. (2021) Is CFTR an exchanger?: Regulation of HCO3- Transport and extracellular pH by CFTR. Biochemistry and Biophysics Reports, 25: (in press).
  • M.R. Cederman, Leff M.F., Monforton M.R., Bauer A.M. and Luckie D.B. (2020) Identification of G551D-CFTR allele via AS-PCR of buccal cells. Current Topics in Biochemical Research, 21: 15-23
  • S.A. Valles, Luckie, D.B., Montgomery, G.M., Simmons, E.H., Sweeder R.D., & Zeleke A. (2016). Updating the two cultures: how structures can promote interdisciplinary cultures. Change: Magazine of Higher Learning, (48)6, 28-35.