Christopher A Klausmeier

MSU Research Foundation Prof, Plant Biology
MSU Research Foundation Prof, Kellogg Biological Station
MSU Foundation Professor, Integrative Biology
MSU Foundation Professor, Ecology, Evolution & Behavior Program
Location: Kellogg Biological Station
Profile photo of  Christopher A Klausmeier
Photo of: Christopher A Klausmeier


Our laboratory group seeks to uncover the general principles that organize ecological communities and ecosystems. We focus on phytoplankton and zooplankton, the microscopic plants and animals at the base of lake and ocean food webs. Plankton communities are an ideal focus for this work, because they show striking patterns in space, time, and organization, and are easily manipulated in the lab and field. From a practical point of view, freshwater plankton are important determinants of water quality and marine phytoplankton play major roles in global biogeochemical cycles and perform about half the planet’s primary productivity.

Ph.D. University of Minnesota

###Research Interests
Theoretical Ecology;plankton ecology

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