[Danny Ducat](https://directory.natsci.msu.edu/Directory/Profiles/Person/100408)
###Research Interests
Small molecule trafficking between species.
###Quick Profile
**What got you interested in plants and plant science?**
I got interested in plant science after reading about Roundup ready corn and then later again when I discovered sustainable biofuels.
**What is your research about?**
My research is on small molecule trafficking between species and how those molecules are used in downstream metabolism.
**What is the potential societal impact of your research?**
We could increase our understanding of metabolic processes, elucidate the mechanisms involved in interspecies interactions, and enhance biofuel production.
**Where do you see yourself in 10 years?**
I would like to be in an industry position, where I could encourage more sustainable biotech practices while developing and expanding new biofuels options.
**On a Saturday afternoon, you'll likely find me:**
Tending to my many house plants or in a local forest looking a some cool bug/fungus/plant/rock I found, trying to show whoever I'm with how amazing it is.