Bianca M Serda

Graduate Student, Department of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
Graduate Student, MSU-DOE Plant Research Laboratory
Graduate Student, Molecular Plant Sciences Program
Location: 210 Plant Biology Lab
Profile photo of  Bianca M Serda
Photo of: Bianca M Serda


[Thomas D. Sharkey](

**What got you interested in plants and plant science?**
Understanding gas exchange in plants was my first research experience. This experience taught me that there is more to understand about plants that I do not know, which led me to studying plants that were grown on the International Space Station. It was fascinating to see images of the plants I was studying growing under microgravity conditions. Continuing to understand plants has become a passion of mine, because there is so much more to learn from them.

**What is your research about?**
Currently doing rotations to identify my research project.

**Where do you see yourself in 10 years?**
Hopefully in 10 years, I will be working for NASA conducting more Space Plants research.

**On a Saturday afternoon, you'll likely find me:**
Exploring Michigan to find hiking trails, beaches and lakes.

Twitter: [@Bianca_serda](
LinkedIn:  [Bianca Serda](