Alexei Bazavov
Associate Professor, Department of Computational Mathematics, Science and Engineering
Associate Professor, Department of Physics & Astronomy
Location: 1509 Engineering Bldg
Phone: 517-432-0369
Alexei Bazavov became an assistant professor at Michigan State University in August 2016, jointly appointed to the Department of Computational Mathematics, Science & Engineering and the Department of Physics & Astronomy. He previously served as a research associate at the University of Arizona (2007-2010), Brookhaven National Laboratory (2010-2013) and a joint appointment between the University of California, Riverside and the University of Iowa (2013-2016). He is a theoretical particle physicist specializing in study of strongly coupled theories, in particular, Quantum Chromodynamics. Items of particular interest to him include: * Quantum field theory * Finite-temperature field theory * Lattice gauge theory with applications to particle and nuclear physics * Parallel algorithms, iterative solvers, molecular dynamics algorithms * Inverse problems and Bayesian inference *Ultra-cold atomic systems and quantum simulation * Effective field theory # Education: * 2007: Ph.D., Physics, Florida State University * 2005: M.S., Physics, Florida State University * 1997, B.S., Theoretical Physics, Kiev State University (Kiev, Ukraine)
- CMSE 831: Computational Optimization
- PHY 480: Computational Physics
Selected Publications
- A. Bazavov [HotQCD], "The QCD equation of state," Nuclear Physics A 931, 867 [2014] View Publication
- A. Bazavov, "Lattice QCD at Non-Zero Temperature," PoS LATTICE 2014, 392 [2015], arXiv:1505.05543 View Publication
- A. Bazavov, H.-T. Ding, P. Hegde, O. Kaczmarek, F. Karsch, E. Laermann, S. Mukherjee, H. Ohno, P. Petreczky, C. Schmidt, S. Sharma, W. Soeldner, M. Wagner, "Curvature of the freeze-out line in heavy ion collisions," Physical Review D 93, no. 1, 014512 [2016], arXiv:1509.05786 View Publication
- A. Bazavov, N. Brambilla, H.-T. Ding, P. Petreczky, H.-P. Schadler, A. Vairo J. H. Weber, "Polyakov loop in 2+1 flavor QCD from low to high temperatures," Physical Review D 93, no. 11, 114502 [2016], arXiv:1603.06637 View Publication
- A. Bazavov, Y. Meurice, S.-W. Tsai, J. Unmuth-Yockey, J. Zhang, "Gauge-invariant implementation of the Abelian Higgs model on optical lattices," Physical Review D 92, 076003 [2015], arXiv:1503.08354 View Publication