Nicholas Michael Haddad

Professor, Integrative Biology
Professor, Ecology, Evolution & Behavior Program
Location: 322 Kellogg Biological Station
Profile photo of  Nicholas Michael Haddad
Photo of: Nicholas Michael Haddad


I am the Director of the Long-Term Ecological Research site located at Kellogg Biological Station. I conduct large ecological experiments to test the effects of habitat loss on ecological systems. I am particularly interested in how to reverse negative effects of habitat loss by reconnecting and diversifying working landscapes. Much of my research focuses on insects, including on the rarest butterfly species in the world.

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  • CSS 891: Curr Top Ecology & Evolution
  • IBIO 891: Curr Top Ecology & Evolution
  • PLB 891: Curr Top Ecology & Evolution

Selected Publications

  • Chaplin-Kramer, R., R. P. Sharp, C. Weil, E. M. Bennett, U. Pascual, K. K. Arkema, K. A. Brauman, B. P. Bryant, A. D. Guerry, N. M. Haddad, M. Hamann, P. Hamel, J. A. Johnson, L. Mandle, H. M. Pereira, S. Polasky, M. Ruckelshaus, M. R. Shaw, J. M. Silver, A. L. Vogl, and G. C. Daily. 2019. Global modeling of nature's contributions to people. Science 366:255-258.
  • Cusser, S., Helms IV, J., Bahlai, C.A. and Haddad, N.M., 2021. How long do population level field experiments need to be? Utilising data from the 40‐year‐old LTER network. Ecology Letters 24:1103-1111.
  • Damschen, E.I., Brudvig, L.A., Burt, M.A., Fletcher Jr, R.J., Haddad, N.M., Levey, D.J., Orrock, J.L., Resasco, J. and Tewksbury, J.J., 2019. Ongoing accumulation of plant diversity through habitat connectivity in an 18-year experiment. Science 365:1478-1480.
  • Haddad, N.M., et al. 2015. Habitat fragmentation and its lasting impact on Earth’s ecosystems. Science Advances 1(2), p.e1500052.
  • Haddad, N.M., Gonzalez, A., Brudvig, L.A., Burt, M.A., Levey, D.J. and Damschen, E.I., 2017. Experimental evidence does not support the Habitat Amount Hypothesis. Ecography 40:48-55.
  • Haddad, Nick. The Last Butterflies: A Scientist's Quest to Save a Rare and Vanishing Creature. Princeton University Press, 2019.
  • Wepprich, T., Adrion, J.R., Ries, L., Wiedmann, J. and Haddad, N.M., 2019. Butterfly abundance declines over 20 years of systematic monitoring in Ohio, USA. PLoS One 14(7), p.e0216270.