Andrew Jason Christlieb
MSU Research Foundation Prof, Department of Mathematics
MSU Research Foundation Prof, Department of Computational Mathematics, Science and Engineering
MSU Foundation Professor , Department of Computational Mathematics, Science and Engineering
Location: 2507 Engineering Bldg
Phone: 517-432-0492
Dr. Christlieb is one of the inaugural University Foundation Professors at Michigan State University (2014). In addition to running an active research group, he currently serves as the founding director of the Center of Hierarchical and Robust Modeling of Non-Equilibrium Transport (CHaRMNET), a Department of Energy funded center focused on development of new mathematics and data science techniques to help realize the vision of a clean energy future through nuclear fusion. The center is forward-looking in terms of creating new tools that meet future needs for physicists and engineers with over 40 members from five universities and four national labs. Prior to serving as the director of CHaRMNET, Dr. Christlieb served as the founding chair for the Department of Computational Mathematics Science and Engineering (CMSE) at Michigan State University. The vision of the department is to create an environment that facilitates innovative scholarship and education around the development of data science and computing methods to address critical problems in STEM. During his six-year tenure as chair of CMSE, Dr. Christlieb led the department through the creation of a minor in CMSE, a minor in Data Science, a bachelors in Data Science, and a masters and PhD program in CMSE. Further, he led the department through hiring 22 assistant professors and 3 full professors. He also developed a faculty mentoring program for junior faculty that led to 16 early career awards across various funding agencies, including: the National Science Foundation, the National Institute of Health, the Department of Energy, and the Department of Defense. The driving theme behind Dr. Christlieb’s work is a better future through Computing. To that end, he is currently leading a program with Spelman College targeted at enabling innovative pathways for underrepresented students to receive data science education.
- CMSE 201: Comp Model & Data Anyl I
- CMSE 891: Independent Study in CMSE