Lisa Jill Lapidus
Professor, Department of Physics & Astronomy
Professor, BioMolecular Science Gateway
Location: 4227 Biomed Phys Sci
Phone: 517-884-5656
## Specialities Biological Physics, Protein Folding ## Research Focus The Lapidus lab studies the early stages of protein folding and the dynamics of unfolded proteins. In collaboration with Michael Feig we study the dynamics of proteins in crowded conditions as you would find in a cell, which result in many transient interactions and liquid-liquid phase separation. We also study protein aggregation, which is involved with many neurodegenerative diseases, such as Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's, by looking at the dynamics of the disordered protein before aggregation. For further information on some results of this research, see the following articles: [Complex biological phenomenon may have a surprisingly simple explanation]( [Alzheimer's beginnings prove to be a sticky situation]( [Longtime antidepressant could slow Parkinson's]( [Researchers Identify Path to Treat Parkinson's Disease at Inception]( [Curcumin Shows Promise in Attacking Parkinson's Disease]( ## Curriculum Development Over the past several years, Lisa has developed a new curriculum for life science majors that pulls examples from molecular and cellular biology. The courses, PHY 221 and PHY 222 are offered to all life science majors at MSU in the new STEM Teaching and Learning building. These curriculum materials are available at [this website]( For more information, see [Defying gravity: A new spin on intro physics for life sciences]( # Education: * 1998: Ph.D., Harvard University
- PHY 222: Studio Phys for Life Scien II
Selected Publications
- Dutagaci, B., G. Nawrocki, J. Goodluck, A.A. Ashkarran, C.G. Hoogstraten, L.J. Lapidus, and M. Feig, Charge-driven condensation of RNA and proteins suggests broad role of phase separation in cytoplasmic environments. eLife. 10: p. e64004 (2021).
- Lapidus, L.J., Physics at the Molecular and Cellular Level (P@MCL): A New Curriculum for Introductory Physics. The Biophysicist. 2(1): p. 30-39 (2020).
- Lapidus, L.J., The road less traveled in protein folding: evidence for multiple pathways. Curr Opin Struct Biol. 66: p. 83-88 (2021).