Saad Raza

Research Associate, MSU-DOE Plant Research Laboratory
Location: 106 Plant Biology Lab
Profile photo of  Saad Raza
Photo of: Saad Raza


# Research: Molecular Modeling and Molecular Mechanics
I am a molecular modeler with experience in a wide range of molecular modeling and statistical mechanics techniques. This range of experience accumulates from academia position (PhD (QAU, Islamabad, Pakistan) and Post Doc (MSU, Michigan, US)) and industry (SILCSBIO LLC, Baltimore, US). My primary role in these positions has been to apply statistical mechanics and molecular dynamics techniques to solve biological problems. 
# Education
* Ph.D. 2018, Quaid-i-Azam University, Islambad, Pakistan.
* M.Phil. 2013,  Quaid-i-Azam University, Islambad, Pakistan.
* B.S. 2010, COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, Islamabad, Pakistan.
# Past Appointment
* Product Development Specialist, 2019-2020, SILCSBIO LLC.
[Vermaas Lab](
Rm. 1130 MPS

Selected Publications

  • Lignin Nanoparticle Morphology Depends on Polymer Properties and Solvent Composition: an Experimental and Computational Study. View Publication
  • Passive permeability controls synthesis for the allelochemical sorgoleone in sorghum root exudate. View Publication
  • Plant Terpenoid Permeability through Biological Membranes Explored via Molecular Simulations. View Publication