Konstantin Matetski
Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics
Location: D315 Wells Hall
Phone: 517-353-9142
Email: matetski@msu.edu
Website: https://kmatetski.github.io/
Research interests: Stochastic PDEs (including regularity structures and rough paths), integrable probability, and the KPZ universality
- MTH 235: Differential Equations
- MTH 829: Complex Analysis I
Selected Publications
- TASEP and generalizations: Method for exact solution, K.Matetski, D.Remenik, Probab. Theory Relat. Fields, 2022
- The KPZ fixed point, K.Matetski, J.Quastel, D.Remenik, Acta Math., Vol. 227 (1), 2021
- Characterization of Brownian Gibbsian line ensembles, E.Dimitrov, K.Matetski, Ann. Probab. 49(5), 2021
- Stochastic PDE limit of the dynamic ASEP, I.Corwin, P.Ghosal, K.Matetski, Comm. Math. Phys., 380(3), 2020
- Space-time discrete KPZ equation, G.Cannizzaro, K.Matetski, Comm. Math. Phys., 358(2), 2018
- Discretisations of rough stochastic PDEs, M.Hairer, K.Matetski, Ann. Probab., 46(3), 2018