James Joseph Moran

Associate Professor, Integrative Biology
Associate Professor, Ecology, Evolution & Behavior Program
Location: 203 Natural Science Bldg
Profile photo of  James Joseph Moran
Photo of: James Joseph Moran


I specialize in using detailed analyses of light stable isotope (primarily 13-C, 15-N, and 18-O) abundances to address scientific questions related to biogeochemistry, microbial ecology, animal ecology, and chemical forensics. I have a specific interest in understanding nutrient exchange processes within the rhizosphere and the overall role that spatial organization plays in driving relevant plant, microbial, and geochemical interactions. To help provide new insights to scientific investigations I also enjoy instrument and method development efforts with recent focus on spatially resolved approaches for making isotope, protein, and elemental compositional analyses over solid and soil surfaces. 

* [Google Scholar](https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=-CwuECkAAAAJ&hl=en)


  • IBIO 494: Independent Study