Erik Shapiro

Faculty, Neuroscience Program
Associate Professor, Department of Physiology
Faculty, Genetics & Genome Sciences Program
Profile photo of  Erik Shapiro
Photo of: Erik Shapiro


###Research Interests
Dr. Erik M. Shapiro directs the Molecular and Cellular Imaging Laboratory (MCIL) at Michigan State University. Research in the MCIL sits at the interface of neuroscience, chemistry and biomedical engineering. Our goals are both to develop and use, specific and sensitive molecular imaging approaches to study the brain in both naïve and diseased animals. Significant effort is undertaken in nanotechnology, stem cell biology and medical imaging. Biomedical goals include early detection of neurodegenerative diseases, targeted detection and therapy of cancer, and imaging the manipulation of neurogenesis. These experiments are generally performed in rodents with a keen eye towards clinical translation. Student training not only involves laboratory work, but emphasizes conference presentations, grant and manuscript preparation and review, and professional interactions. After all, you must learn to not only DO science, but to BE scientists!