Wolfgang W Bauer

University Distinguished Professor, Department of Physics & Astronomy
Location: Biomed Phys Sci
Profile photo of  Wolfgang W Bauer
Photo of: Wolfgang W Bauer


 am a theoretical physicist and work mainly on phase transitions in nuclear systems, on transport theory for heavy ion collisions, and on the determination of the nuclear equation of state. Much of my work is in close connection with experimentally accessible observables, and I have enjoyed many collaborations with my experimental colleagues from NSCL and around the world. Approximately one half of my roughly 120 publications in peer-reviewed journals are collaborations with experimentalists.

During the last few years I have found out that many advances in one particular field of science can be applied in an interdisciplinary way. One example is my application of algorithms developed in my work on nuclear fragmentation to the detection of cancer cells in human bodies. Another example is the application of our methods to solve the transport problem for heavy ion collisions to the dynamics of supernova explosions. This project is still ongoing and first results look very promising.

I have also worked on chaos, non-linear dynamics, and self-organized criticality. All of these areas of study have applications to nuclear physics, but also to a great range of other systems, from molecules to traffic flow, and from the stock market to the weather.

* 1987: Ph.D., University of Giessen

Selected Publications

  • Cancer Detection on a Cell-by-Cell Basis Using a Fractal Dimension Analysis, W. Bauer and Ch.D. Mackenzie, Heavy Ion Physics 14, 39 (2001)
  • Common Aspects of Phase Transitions of Molecules, Nuclei, and Hadronic Matter, W. Bauer, Nucl. Phys. A681, 441 (2001)
  • Fragmentation and the Nuclear Equation of State, W. Bauer, Nucl. Phys. A787, 595c (2007)
  • Modeling Nuclear Dynamics and Weak Interaction Rates During the Supernova Collapse Phase, T. Strother and W. Bauer, Prog. Part. Nucl. Phys. 468 (2009)
  • Want to Reduce Guessing and Cheating While Making Students Happier? Give More Exams!, J. Laverty, G. Kortemeyer, W. Bauer, and G.D. Westfall, Phys. Teach. 50, 464-467 (2012)
  • Zipf's Law in Nuclear Multifragmentation and Percolation Theory, K. Paech, W. Bauer, and S. Pratt, Phys. Rev. C 76, 054603 (2007)