John F Zubek

Fixed Term Associate Professor, Department of Physiology
Location: 3177 Biomed Phys Sci
Profile photo of  John F Zubek
Photo of: John F Zubek


DPT, Doctor of Physical Therapy, Central Michigan University, Mount Pleasant, MI, 2008.
MS, Kinesiology/Exercise Physiology, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, 2000.
BS, Education/Exercise Science and Pre-Physical Therapy, University of Dayton, OH, 1996.   

###Professional Licensure
Physical Therapist, State of Michigan #5501013895

###Professional Interests
Providing basic science education with enrichment opportunities for students entering the health professions including Physical and Occupational Therapy, Physician Assistant, Medical, Pharmacy, and Nursing.


  • PSL 311L: Physiology Laboratory
  • PSL 490: Physiology Research

Selected Publications

  • J. Zubek, K. M. S. Johnson, M. J. Luttrell, R. W. Bryner, J. K. Choate, and M. B. French. Development of the Physiology Professional Skills Curriculum Mapping Tool (PS-MAP) Adv Physiol Educ. 2023 47:1, 117-123 View Publication
  • John Zubek, Gokul Murali, Natasha Chinoy, Jackson Joseph, Christopher Shaltry, and Arjun Krishnan. Using Simplex (an online writing tool) to assist students when simplifying complex ideas towards various audiences: a pilot project. Physiology. 2023 38:S1 View Publication
  • Julia Choate, Nancy Aguilar-Roca, Elizabeth Beckett, Sarah Etherington, Michelle French, Voula Gaganis, Charlotte Haigh, Derek Scott, Terrence Sweeney, and John Zubek. International educators’ attitudes, experiences, and recommendations after an abrupt transition to remote physiology laboratories. Adv Physiol Educ. 45: 310–321, 2021.
  • Michelle B. French, Julia K. Choate, John Zubek, Randy W. Bryner, Kathryn M. S. Johnson, and Meredith J. Luttrell. Professional skills for physiology majors: defining and refining. Adv Physiol Educ. September, 2020. 44: 653-657.
  • Natasha Chinoy, Hayden Stoub, Yvonne Ogrodzinski, Katelyn Smith, Devika Bahal, and John Zubek. Assessing student desire for professional skills development within the undergraduate science curriculum: a focus on teamwork. Adv Physiol Educ. 46: 179–189, 2022.
  • Voula Gaganis, Elizabeth Beckett, Julia Choate, Nancy Aguilar-Roca, Sarah Etherington, Charlotte Haigh, Derek Scott, Terrence Sweeney, John Zubek, and Michelle French. Virtual delivery: a panacea for the financial and ethical challenges associated with physiology laboratory classes? Adv Physiol Educ. 45: 744–748, 2021.
  • Zubek JF and Kang HJ. Optimal Dosing of the Anesthetic Tricaine Methanesulfonate (MS222) to Ensure Muscle Viability in Xenopus leavis Frogs: A Protocol Project. HAPS Educator. April 2020. 24 (1): 546-50.