Melanie Balbach

Assistant Professor, Department of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
Assistant Professor, BioMolecular Science Gateway
Location: 402D Biochemistry
Profile photo of  Melanie Balbach
Photo of: Melanie Balbach


The Balbach lab is aiming to understand how cells adapt their metabolism to new energy requirements. Although adjusting to new metabolic conditions is a general task many cell types have to master, the underlying molecular mechanisms are not well understood. The current focus lies on the male gamete, the sperm cell.

# Education
*	Ph.D. 2017, University of Bonn
*	M.Sc. 2012, University of Bonn
*	B.Sc. 2010, University of Bayreuth

# Previous Appointments
*      Postdoctoral Fellow 2017-2023, Weill Cornell Medicine (New York City, NY)


  • BMB 499: Senior Thesis (W)
  • BMB 978: Seminar in Biochemistry